Thursday, February 16, 2017

Lesson plan : Domastic and wild animals

Lesson plan
Teacher _ Tamar Tsurtsumia
Level- beginner
This is a class of  12 pupils. All pupils are very activite and  motivated, they enjoy to work in the  group , speaking and writing activities.  They  need  to improve speaking  and  writing  skills.
Anticipated problems:   two are weaker in this class. They have problem in   remembering vocabulary.
Solving the problems:  I will work with them more, I write words on the blackboard and they repeat.
Aim For the lesson
By the end of the lesson the pupils will
           ● Have developed their speaking skills
    ● Have developed their writing skills
Materials. _ Text book _ English world  ( MacMILLAN)
Topic_ Domestic and Wild animals.
Stage and time
Lead in (8min)
To raise the motivation
უცხ. დ.II.4./1
უცხ.დ.II. 10./1

 Shows   posters  of domestic  and wild animals and Teacher asks pupils
●  what do you see in the picture?
●  Which animals do you like? And why?
●  Which animals are friendly?
●  Do  you  have animals in your house?
●  which animals are dangerous? And why?
●  Which  animals are pretty?
●  which animals are not pretty?
Work group (15min)
Discuss about  domestic  and wild animals
Three groups are in the class.
One group   talks about  a dog,
● Is dog  a domestic animal?
● Is dog  evil?
● Does    your  dog  bite?
●  Does your dog like bread?
● What food does your dog eat?
●  What does your dog look like?
They ask each other the questions and a leader  writes answers
The Second group speaks about a  fox
● Is a  fox  beast of pray?
● Does a   fox like hen?
● where does a fox  live ?
● Has a fox got  fur?
●  Is a  fox deceitful?
● Has a fox got  long  tail?
They ask each other the questions  and a  leader writes answer about fox.
The  third group  talks about traits  of a Dog and a Fox.
●Which one  is kind?( Dog or fox)?
● Is a  fox dangerous?
●Is  a dog dangerous?
● is a  dog friendly ?
●Is  a fox friendly?
●is  a  dog beast or pray?
●Is a  Fox beast of pray?
Children ask  each other and leader writes,
Than leaders come to the blackboard and one  make presentations  about a dog, a fox and their traits.
Writing (17 min)
To produce their own writing.
უცხ.დ.II. 7.1,5.
Teacher  shows  a video to the  class, than  a teacher asks pupils the following questions:
● Do you like dogs?
● What does your dog look like?
● have you got dogs?
● has your dog  got  a  big nose?
●has your dog got nice eyes?
● What colour is your dog?
● Do you like white dogs?
●Do you like black Dogs?
●has your dog got  a puppy?
Based on pupils answers a teacher writes a  sample  sstory on the board,  she  gives pupils paper, sets time-limit and tells to write  a short story    ,, My Dog”.
T. monitors and collects the mistakes.

Feedback (5min)
To  encourage peer - correction
T. encourages  the whole class  to say whose writing was the best
Teacher gives pupils good comments.
T. asks pupils  To write better versions of the writings at home.